The Tangy Treat: Plum Tart

My father always asks me if plums in the US are tangy or sweet? since in India most of the times plums are very sour. So my family back home has stopped buying them altogather. My parents are not one to eat much of sour or tangy food. Every season I say that plums in the US are really PLUM and sweet. Only the skin is tangy sometimes. However, I had to take back my words the other day. I bought some plums from our local Farmer's Market and they were a mix of tangy and sweet. There were no buyers for it in the house. Out little toddler declared "Plums are Sour". So I had to go hunting for a recipe to turn them into something the whole house would smell divine. I could not ball down on one fix recipe, I was missing on ingredients. So finally, I decided to come up with my own version.

I do not follow these kind of recipes exact, and modify it according to what is on hand (as is I was trying to use up the sour Plums, why do extra shopping?) Here is how I made this Plum Tart. I could have just used it for jams, but again they were not that many, and I just made fresh strawberry jam last week. So..anyways...

Yeah, out of the oven and off it went...
Pre heated oven at 400deg. Greased a pie dish.
Crumble mixture: One stick of super cold butter + 3/4 cup brown sugar (I had dark on hand and of course the plums were sour),  11/2 cup flour, 5-6 medium size plums, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of sliced almonds.
Mixed all the dry ingredients and crumbled the cold butter in the mixture, till it formed small peas. Just how we do it in scones. I did it all by hand.
1/2 of the mixture went on the pie dish and pressed it so that a layer forms.
I arranged the plum wedges on this mixture, so as the bottom layer is covered with plums.
Finally, spread the final layer of the butter mixture on top.
Than baked it at 400 deg, it took me almost 50 min to get that golden brown colour. However, I guess it depends on the oven. Our toddler and I were waiting for the whole house to smell sweet.

Our toddler did the finale for breakfast the next day.

P.S. It is quite similar to Ina Garten's Tart recipe on Food Network, however, there are some modifications.


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