Designer Kitchens and Baking Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Around 10 years ago, my dad and I bought a Samsung Convention Microwave oven for casual baking and roasting. I personally did try making a few pizzas and roasting chicken, but never a cake or cookie. The enthusiasm slowly died down. Than, my mum used it only for warming food (of course that too made her life easy, but that's it). I am talking about finding baking ingredients in Mumbai (India) 10 years ago. In fact, buying a whole cake was much cheaper than the resources to bake one, including electricity. However, that's not the case anymore. With a spurt of multinationals and supermarkets, its easy to find baking powder even at the local grocery store. We surely can afford melting cheese at 500 deg F too. The last time I heard, my mum had a guest who baked some delicious brownies in the same oven. Voila!!! I am appalled with the passion at which people are building designer kitchens especially those that hardly cook or bake anything in the...