The Real Pearl :Barley

Firstly, all the good things about Barley

The only bad has Gluten.

Barley is my best food discovery of the year though since it is another addition of rich protein and fiber to our semi-veggie diet. Kids love them because of their texture.

I was reading 2011 Spring's issue of Baby & Toddler. That featured a recipe of Barley with cooked Zucchini and Yellow Squash. It is among the best whole grains to add to our diet, esp kids. Since, I am a novice cook where this grain is concerned, I definitely did some research on recipes. Finally, I went the safe way. I made a simple Khichdi (Pongal for some, Porridge for the rest) with Moong Dal, vegetables, cumin and butter. How wrong could you go? Also, I had to keep it a bit bland since my son was accompanying me on this lunch menu.

Here's what I did:

I actually soaked 1/2 cup of Barley in the night.
For cooking, took 1/3 cup of washed Moong Dal in a Pressure Cooked, handful of chopped veggies (peas, carrots, beans), butter cumin and garlic.
Fried everything for few minutes till it filled the house with a buttery aroma.
Added the soaked Barley and fried for a minute or so.
Added salt, pinch of pepper
Added 2 cups of water
Closed the lid of the pressure cooker and cooked till 3 whistles, or till everything is well combined.
I should have sprinkled some chopped cilantro on top for added flavor, next time!

My son enjoyed it as is, I devoured with some Onion-Gongura Pickle. Yum!!!


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